Goals, Skill Acquisition and Learning in Public
It’s been almost a month since I posted my first blog post. Yikes! Let’s change that.
I wasn’t sure what I’d write about here. My goals when starting this were probably loftier than I have time for. Caregiver life can be pretty overwhelming, time-consuming, and emotionally exhausting. Couple that with running and trying to grow a business… and, yeah, it’s a lot. Not to mention, my writing is pretty rough. But improving my writing is one of the main reasons I started this. It’ll probably shatter my ego, but I’m sure that won’t hurt at all, right?
I plan to make writing here a habit. I’m sure plenty of what I write won’t be interesting to others, but this is for me anyway. And while my life will seem very banal to most, it’s the most interesting thing I have. It’s all I have. I hope your life is as interesting to you as mine is to me.
I love to learn, and there’s a ton of stuff I’d like to know more about. But, if you haven’t noticed, the world is a pretty big place and there are a lot of neat things to discover. I need to narrow my focus. A lot. I’d like to use this blog as a place to track those goals and areas of interest. I will be creating a “todos and areas of interest” page to track those. Those will probably inform most of my blog posts.
I’m also going to start tracking my workouts here. It seems like a fun way to keep myself accountable.
Skill Acquisition
I’m splitting skills into two categories: personal and professional. There is some overlap here. Programming is something I use for work and something I use to relax and keep my brain sharp.
Personal Skills
On the personal side, the only skill I have time for is woodworking. There are a ton of other things I’d like to get to eventually, but woodworking is fun and a nice escape from my life in front of the screen.
Professional Skills
This is a giant can of worms. From the more technical stuff like sharpening my CSS skills and learning JavaScript to softer, but just as important skills, like copywriting, marketing, and design. Most people probably think this is too much, but I’m running a marathon, not running a sprint.
Learning in Public
I regularly crawl deep into some rabbit hole. This is fun, but it’s not always productive. I recently went pretty deep into learning and ways to learn. One of the more interesting things that came up was learning in public. I have some links and will share those when I have more time. This blog will be my attempt to learn in public. Maybe this post is just a notch in my blog belt, but habit-building is tough, and as Lao Tzu wrote, “A blog of a thousand posts starts with a single post” or something like that. I’m sure it’ll be pretty cringe when I read it in the future, i.e., tomorrow, but that’s just part of putting myself out there and learning in public.